Train the Facebook and Google AIs to send you the best possible traffic, by feeding them a new source of meaningful conversion data, no matter if the conversions took place online, offline, in-person, or over the phone.
Conversion Feeder will show the AIs who becomes customers, not just who downloaded a PDF
iOS and ad blockers can hide conversions from the bots, but Conversion Feeder uncovers blind spots
Ad platforms are increasingly intelligent, but they’re only as good as the data they’re given. If all they can see is lead magnet downloads, that’s what they’ll optimize for.
The basic pixel can’t show them if the leads they’re sending you turn into customers or are time wasters.
Conversion Feeder sends the event data back to your ad platforms. Even if a sale happened after a long nurture sequence, the AIs will learn that the person converted and to send you similar traffic.
SegMetrics records the ad ID for every visitor (if they came from an ad).
Unlike with Facebook or Google’s tracking, we can store that information indefinitely. If the lead makes a purchase, we then send the data back to the relevant ad platform via their Offline Conversion APIs.
The ad platforms then use each piece of conversion data to further refine the traffic that they are sending you so that you get more sales.
The bot can’t optimize for conversions they can’t see, which includes actions hidden by iOS 14 or ad blockers.
SegMetrics sends them this missing data, so that they can optimize for every sale, not just the minority that slip past the various obstacles.
Find your most profitable lead sources, scale what works and kill what doesn’t.
“You can just see everything that you want to see without having to dig into the details or look up any numbers on a daily basis. You just automatically have them ping on your dashboard. It’s nice to have the big picture and then be able to get directly into a more detailed view when you need it.”
Read the Case Study