Advanced Lead Tracking

Trustworthy Lead Tracking with Minimal Setup

Stop fighting with bad data. Getting accurate lead data from your sources doesn’t have to be tedious. SegMetrics uses your existing UTM tracking to bring you reliable reports on where your leads & customers are really coming from.

Track Your Leads

Lead Source

Stop relying on half-baked lead source data. Find which of your SEO & PPC efforts bring you leads and customers.

Landing & Optin Pages

Track which landing pages and optin magnets convert the best — Automatically.

Click & Email Tracking

Advanced site tracking allows your to measure every email click — find which emails convert, and which ones don't.


Our IP4/6 GeoLocation gives you pinpoint accuracy on where your leads are located.

Lead Tracking & Attribution Features

Explorative Reporting

Tap Revenue Sources You Never Knew About

It’s easy to monitor the lead sources you know about, but what about the ones you don’t?

SegMetrics tracks both paid and organic traffic. That means you may find high-converting sources you may not even know about. Plus, because SegMetrics tracks lifetime value -- and not just CTR or one-off sales -- you can find hidden revenue sources central to the bottom line of your business.

Lead Source Attribution

Discover Your Most Valuable Social Media Efforts

SegMetrics gives you a clear picture of where people are interacting with your business the most, and which of your endeavors led to the biggest increases in lead value and revenue. You’ll know exactly where to focus your next idea.

SegMetrics has allowed me to look at my audience behavior and react much more quickly to trends. Infusionsoft cannot give you this information fast enough to matter.
— Scott Queen — Infusionsoft Marketer at Strategy & Movement

Advanced Lead Tracking
Only From SegMetrics

SegMetrics uses information from hundreds of online marketers to give you the most accurate lead-tracking available. Choose from First-Touch, Last-Touch or Every-Touch lead source attribution to determine what really brings your leads in the door.

Accurate IP6 GeoLocation

Geo-IP Tracking

New Leads are automatically tracked by city, state, and country. SegMetrics' IP lookup service gets you the most accurate and detailed data possible.

And all your Lead Tracking data can be saved in contact custom fields for use in your marketing campaigns.

Non-Technical Setup

Follow Visitors Through Every Click in Their Journey

SegMetrics is quick and easy to install. One pixel counts your leads, notes lead sources and tracks conversions.

Because SegMetrics is asynchronous, it won’t slow down your site. And because there’s nothing to set up in your CRM, you don’t need to edit any of your existing forms. Plus, SegMetrics is compatible with Lead Pages, Click Funnels, and WordPress - any platform you use to run your business.

Get Started in Less than 5 Minutes

Find your most profitable lead sources, scale what works and kill what doesn’t.

Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

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