Reporting for every dollar of revenue and where it came from

SegMetrics doesn’t report on anonymous checkout events. It shows you where every dollar in your bank account came from, even accounting for bounced payments and refunds.

Sales and Revenue report
Track every purchase

SegMetrics shows you revenue data that matches your bank account.

Refunds and cancellations

SegMetrics reports on successfully collected payments, not just submitted orders.

No double-counting

Our contact-based system means purchases won’t be double counted.

Track off-site revenue

Report on revenue collected from outside your website, such as subscription renewals.

No more revenue estimations


Revenue figures that match your bank account

Where other marketing roughly reflect your revenue, SegMetrics connects to your real processed payments to report on every collected dollar.

michelle warner

We added SegMetrics to see if it could find answers to questions a client’s had for over a year and that couldn’t be put off any longer. It could, and did so within about 30 seconds.

— Michelle Warner — Strategy Consultant

list reports
NO DOUBLE Attribution

Every sale is counted once and only once

When comparing marketing performance, tools will often both try to claim credit for a sale (*cough* Facebook *cough*). Our contact-based system means a purchase will never be attributed more than once.

For all the power that comes with Infusionsoft, it can be a really complicated tool. Reports that should be available with a few clicks just aren’t there. With SegMetrics we can see exactly which leads are most profitable and where our biggest opportunities lie. SegMetrics is like your marketing crystal ball.

— Chris Mason — Automation Marketer at Titans of Direct Response

Example questions
SegMetrics Can Answer

Get started optimizing your sales and revenue with SegMetrics.

You can only optimize your revenue if you know where it’s coming from. Use SegMetrics for full reporting on every dollar earned and the marketing journey that generated it.

Its easy to bet on the winners when you know who they are

Account for refunds and bounced payments

SegMetrics reports on revenue collected beyond the checkout event such as subscription renewals, refunds and collections.

Thanks to SegMetrics, I can give my clients real-time understanding of their audience, and the major metrics that drive their growth. What used to take hours of merging spreadsheets is instantly available in my SegMetrics reports.

— Marcus Blankenship — Executive Coach


See the exact customers in each report

SegMetrics doesn’t give you yet more mystery numbers. Revenue reports show you the list of relevant customers and purchases so you can dive into their marketing journeys.

SegMetrics gives you X-Ray vision to reveal what your customers are doing, how your marketing funnel is working… and how to make it work better.

— Eben Pagan — Founder, Eben Pagan Training

Get Started in Less than 5 Minutes

Find your most profitable lead sources, scale what works and kill what doesn’t.

Its easy to bet on the winners when you know who they are